Superyachts, Super-fast yachts, Summertime, and…The Mighty Sunfish

I was lucky enough to do a bit of "training" down in the Caribbean this winter.

I don’t care if the temps are hovering in the high 30’s, and the snow is still flying north of the Massachusetts border. It’s time to celebrate the all that is right in the world. Like…



And rolling a grand prix yacht aboard a 100-foot Wally in St. Barth.


And surfing an Opti.

And after a super energizing lunch with kite surfer, sailor, and kindred spirit Brock Callen in Newport today (full disclosure we may have similar loves and attitudes but he’s professional sailor, a super talented kite surfer, and 11th Hour Racing ambassador who works to help improve the health of the marine environment while I’m……enthusiastic), I’m even more psyched to start-up the summer water fun.

Credit Brock Callen
Credit Brock Callen

In fact you should check him out for yourselves…here and here.

Of course I’m over-the-moon with anticipation for Sunfish racin’ and rubbin’ and mark roundin’ with my fellow Cape Cod preppies on the warm waters of Vineyard Sound this summer. But, Brock is from the Vineyard. And that reminded me.

I’ve always wanted to sail my Sunfish from the tony shores of HP to the preppie shores of Edgartown 13 miles into the prevailing Southwest breeze and back in a day. So that means some good old-fashioned Sunfish long distance runs are going to be part of what’s shaping up to an amazing summer. In the meantime, here’s a little reminder of how awesome it is to surf on a sunfish on a sunny summer day–while wearing jeans.

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