Seduced by speed

My experience sailing/flying the new Gunboat G4 for three days in a row last week has turned me into a speed junkie looking for my next fix. And thankfully, Don Montague of the Kiteboat Project was aboard the G4 during several of those fantastic days in St. Martin last week too. As you can see in this video, his exploits with kites and foiling trimarans in San Francisco Bay might just be what a speed freak like me is looking for.

WEB-4569-720x480For those of you who don’t know, Don is simply one of the visionaries who helped launch (pun intended just a little bit) the kiteboard revolution. The guy is a legend who’s turned his attention to using kites on boats (in addition to boards, of course). These days, he’s leading the Kiteboat Project with the hopes of developing winches, controls, and launch and recovery systems for larger kites, boat-specific kites for different conditions, and kite-specific boats and foil systems. Don and his team of very smart people are working on some very cool stuff, and I hope to do a more in-depth report (and hopefully go for a sail/kite/fly with them) when I’m out there in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned. But for now, just sit back, put your computer on full view, and enjoy the speed.


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