Gunboat 55: Photo Details

This is a hard post for me to put together because it wasn’t supposed to be this way. You see, I was supposed to sail aboard Toccata—the newest of the new-generation Gunboat 55s—on her maiden voyage in February down from Gunboat headquarters in Wanchese, North Carolina, to south Florida so she could be oohhhhed and ahhhhed over at the Miami Boat Show.

But it snowed. A lot. Like so much that I literally missed the boat (I was trapped under feet of snow in Boston).

So instead of getting the full-on lowdown of what it’s like to sail the 55 offshore. And finding out what company founder and Peter Johnstone is really like as we sail at 20 knots under a starlit night. And being able to tell the tale, and take photos, and video like no one had ever seen before of what a badass offshore performance cruising catamaran like this can do on an extended offshore passage…

…I was left to paint the ridiculously tall snowbank in front of my house with food coloring (to the delight of my equally crazy snowbound neighbors) and catch up with Peter and the boat in Miami at the show. And yes, the first thing he said to me when I saw him was “You missed the boat, man.” Ouch.


So, here we are. You’ll have to wait a little while longer for my offshore report on the 55 and…drum roll please…the Fully Foiling Tesla that is the G4 that I’m planning on flying aboard in Antigua next month.

But I did shoot some pretty cool detail shots of the 55 in the welcome sun of Miami recently. Check ’em out.

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