The fully foiling future is here

Don Montague and his team from Kai Concepts and the Kiteboat Project know more than a thing or two about foils and pushing the envelope. In fact they’ve been systematically and scientifically gathering more data than you’d ever thought possible about the possibilities of wind-powered transportation since 2003. I mean, check out this video.

Don and his team were also there for some of the first real tests of the G4 in St. Martin. And, unlike yours truly who attempted to capture the action with a humble GoPro camera and iPhone, these guys brought a full array of technology to the party—tons of cameras mounted in lots of cool spots, drones, super-fast chase boats, super slo-mo cameras, and other data-gathering devices—to fully capture what 31 knots of fully foiling boatspeed looks like. Try not to drool on your keyboard.

Of course we’ve all watched the wipeout video…because it’s a wipeout video. But if you really want to be impressed with the raw power and potential of fully foiling future that’s happening in real time right before your eyes, watch what Don and his team and the G4 guys are up to. They’re just getting started.

And be sure to check back later this week. I’ve just returned from spending three days foiling and flying with Don and his Kiteboat team on San Francisco Bay. And they showed me more about going fast than I ever thought possible. I’m just going through the footage now and as you can see (Don’s custom-built readout shows we’re doing 31.2 knots of boat speed in 13 knots of true wind), it’s mind-blowing.

The only problem is I may never be able to sail a non-foiling boat ever again!

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