Snow Day

I have a million other stories/emails/texts to write. And countless social media posts of Mexican sun, Pacific waves, and one of the coolest golf courses I’ve ever seen to bore you with.  And I couldn’t be further away from snow and cold down here in Cabo. I fact, was pretty happy to beat the snow out of Boston when I left on Monday.

But this shot of our 7-year-old joyfully basking in the liberation that is only really possible when school is cancelled because of snow has really moved me. I love the utter surrender to the joy of the moment it illustrates. He’s in his body. I can almost feel the weightlessness he’s feeling that comes  when you lay down in snow that’s deep enough to support your weight and form-fit to your body. He still has last year’s lift ticket on his jacket. His legs are so relaxed they actually look a little crooked. He’s not only looking up into the infinite mystery and limitless possibility of life, on this planet, in a snowstorm. He’s feeing actual snow melt on his face and cheeks and eyelashes. And he’s sporting “The Strawberry” on his head (like he’s been doing since Caroline’s mom gave him that hat many years ago).

Childhood is precious.It’s wonderful to remember the joy you felt on a snow day when you were a kid. And it’s wonderful to be reminded of the feeling of weightlessness that comes when you lay down in snow that’s deep enough to support your weight and form-fit to your body.

But you know what? Remembering the joy of childhood is more than just wonderful. In fact, it may be the most healthy thing we can all do for ourselves (on a micro level), and the world (on a macro level), at the same time. And it doesn’t cost a cent!

Life can be hard, and mean, and tragic, and unfair. And the current state of the world seems pretty bonkers.

But there’s beauty, and healing, and purity, and love all around too. And sometimes, we all need a “snow day” to remind us to remember.

Or maybe we all just need to fly to Cabo?

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