This is why I ride

Hi Folks! I’m finally blowing the dust and the cobwebs off the ol’ Swizzle blog here because I’m riding 23-miles each way to my beloved job as Editor of Ocean Home magazine to be ready to wear lycra and ride up and over the Tourmalet and then continue on all the way to Monaco to help raise money for the Blue Marine Foundation again this year.

I feel very lucky to be able to do this for a number of reasons not the least of which is that I get a small respite from the weird dystopian nightmare we all seem to be living through that’s rife with too many crazy ego-driven despots receiving too much attention, hurricanes wreaking havoc, millions of identities being stolen, iPhones and large conglomerates who want to own your face in the name of “security,” and common decency, honesty and integrity seemingly under siege.

But, since I’m an unapologetic optimist I see good things coming from all this. Alas, that’s a very long story better saved for a long winter’s night by the ol’ gas fireplace.

However, doing this ride reminds me of all the good stuff like family, teamwork, unselfishness, commitment, open-mindedness and most of all…the importance of wearing white sunglasses and lycra in all philanthropic endeavors!

I mean it when I say that sharing with you these little boondoggles I find myself on with pleasant regularity really makes it all worth doing. Because, as hard as it is to leave my cute little family at home for the next 10 days, I’m grateful to do a very small part to help save the world’s oceans so my little one can enjoy them as much as I have.

And I’ve never asked for money before (and I probably won’t again) but…if you do feel compelled to give to the cause we ride for and help Blue Marine Foundation protect some of the world’s most fragile ecosystems, please donate here.

I ride for BLUE but I really ride for my little one and all of the little ones who will suffer the consequences if we don’t all take positive action like the folks at BLUE.

So please stay tuned.

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