Video: On Board at the Industry Regatta

A SAIL crew recently raced in a one design regatta designed to promote friendly competition within the sailing industry in Newport, RI. With our Publisher, Josh Adams at the helm, New England Sales Manager, Andy Howe, fellow editor Dave Schmidt, and myself, we raced against a fleet of 10 teams from other sailing magazines as well as gear and hardware manufactures. The racing was tight and fun with a bit of good natured trash talking sprinkled in. Conditions were ideal–sunny skies and the classic Newport sea breeze filled in just as it’s supposed to. Of course this clip is not going to win an academy award, but my hope is to give you a taste of what it was like on board during the race. And the best footage was cut short because Josh politely let me know as we were preparing to round the leeward mark during a particularly tight downwind leg, (I was trimming the spinnaker with one hand and shooting with the video camera in the other), that it’d probably be a good idea to put the camera away and use two hands. He was right. We established an overlap, rounded in second place, executed a perfect spinnaker drop, and went on to finish strong.

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