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Hey all you 7 readers out there! I’m going to be doing some writing about fast boats, technology, and luxuriating at 5-star resorts in far-flung locales for the lifestyle arm of Forbes.com, and here’s a little taste. Please let me know what you think, because I want this to be as fun for you all as it is for me.

Why the Volvo Ocean Race Is the Toughest Yacht Race in the World

Tough is the only word to describe the sailors and raceboats taking part in Volvo Ocean Race (the race around the world currently taking place in state-of-the-art 65-foot sailboats) that just concluded its only American stopover in Newport, Rhode Island. The sailors are tough. The boats are tough. The nearly 40,000-mile racecourse that brings the fleet through some of the most dangerous, beautiful, and remote parts of the world is tough. And on top of all that, the competition is tough. The margin of victory between winning and second place after racing for over 5,000 miles during the recent leg from Itajaí, Brazil to Newport was only 3 minutes.

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