5-Star Resort Report: Coco Point Lodge (Part 1)

Let’s all take a moment to gaze upon one of the true wonders of the world. The Coco Point Lodge is special for many reasons. But it all starts with this impossibly unblemished beach on an island in the West Indies that many people have never even heard of.


In fact, I’m torn with even publishing this report simply because the kind of unpretentious “exclusivity” that Coco Point provides—the fact that you not only need to know it’s there but also really “get” what makes it so unique—is a very special commodity in the world these days. It’s an intimate place on the island of Barbuda that needs to be cherished and preserved as well as enjoyed.


Of course there’s no shortage of “uber-exclusive-24-karat-gold-tub-facuet-type” destinations that can provide all sorts of “exclusivity.” And by all means there’s nothing wrong with that type of thing. But that’s not what this place is all about. The Coco Point Lodge is special for the purity and stunning natural beauty of its geography, and the warmth of the Caribbean sun and its neon blue-green water. But again, lots of places have those things. However, only a few places have the history, ethos, and wonderfully authentic commitment to family, tradition, and unpretentious excellence that you’ll find at the Coco Point Lodge.

cocopointlodge8And it all begins on what can be a charmingly terrifying minutes-long flight over from neighboring island Antigua.

The funny thing is, Caroline and I “discovered” Coco Point the old-fashioned way—we stumbled upon it during a bareboat charter from Horizion Yacht Charters in Antigua. And the wonderful irony is, Coco Point is actually not very welcoming to “yachtsman.” You might see a blue sailboat off in the distance below, but it’s anchored outside the Lodge’s “beach area” that’s protected (by local law I believe) by a series of floats. And yacht crews are not really encouraged to come ashore either.

cocopointlodge5And this is all for the good. I may be a sailor who’s washed up on a fair number of beach resorts over the years, but I couldn’t agree more with Coco Point’s desire for privacy. I have no doubt that keeping yachts well away from the resort has made a huge impact on Coco Point’s superior water quality and clarity, in addition to providing that most sacred of indulgences…true peace and quiet.

So what’s it like to stay there? Well…after being met in the most welcoming way on the most welcome grass runway…

cocopointlodge21Guests and bags are collected and brought by golf cart (there are no cars on the 164-acres of the resort) to the main “Lodge.” The understated Lodge is where you go when you’re ready for a little (but not too much) civilization. Not the Taj Mahal but then again the Taj is no Coco Point.


The food is out of this world. And the bar is too. The Lodge is the place for lunch, cocktail hour, and dinner. Everything else takes place in guest accommodations sprinkled up the beach.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe stayed in Sea Crescent Cottage when we were there last. And like all the accommodations at Coco Point, it provides true unspoiled luxury of living only steps from the beach—and being able to get the best eggs benedict in the Caribbean delivered to your own personal patio too.

cocpointlodge31Can you feel the gentle breeze and the waves lapping on the beach? I can. Every Lodge room and cottage has a similar feel and a similar view.

IMG_0160Quintessential Caribbean hammocks are also a big part of the equation.

And maybe what could represent the pinnacle of beach relaxation, Coco Point Beach is also adorned with simple plastic inflatable floats that take sunning, and relaxing, and swimming, and soaking-in-all-that-is-good-in-the-world to a new level.

cocopointlodge12But this is only a taste. Coco Point may be all about floating for hours on inflatable nirvana, and eating gourmet breakfasts on your own beachfront patio, and sharing the awesome with the lucky few who’ve found their way to the lodge for cocktail hour (there are never more than 68 guests on the whole 164-acre resort at one time). But there’s way more to it than that. Tune in later for Part 2 where you’ll learn more about the fascinating history of this place and some of the very cool things you can do (even some quasi-athletic stuff if you’re a quasi-athlete like me) when you’re there. And oh yeah, you can always watch the warm soft sun light up the warm puffy clouds as it sets into the blue, blue water of the Caribbean too.


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