America’s Cup: Behind The Music

You remember “rock-umentaries”—tales of long-haired musicians achieving rock star heights only to have it all come crashing down in “creative differences” and car crashes—that played on VH1 in the 1990’s, right? Well, after day 1 of my “Behind the Music” glimpse into all things AC here in NYC, I can tell you that the America’s Cup is nothing like that.

DSC07804In fact, things are down right groovy here. As you can see, the party got kicked off right with an opening press conference MC’d by none other than a very chipper Bob Costas.

And the venue in the shadow of the World Trade Center on the Hudson with the Statue of Liberty in the background is simply stunning.

DSC07791And even though the forecast could be better (grey, rainy, and not much breeze), I’m pretty sure this is going to be a pretty special event. But I’ll know more tomorrow. I’m booked to head out with team Land Rover BAR to watch Ben Ainsley and the boys practice from a chase boat tomorrow. And I’m just out the door to go to a party that the French team is throwing with the hopes of somehow scoring a “6th man spot” at some point.


Stay tuned.

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